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What is Abatement?

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Abatement Introduction: 

Section 107 of Indian Penal Code:

Abetment basically means the action of instigating, encouraging or promoting a person into committing an offence. It can also mean aiding the offender while he is committing a crime.

When more than one person contributes to committing an offence, each person’s involvement may vary. This variation may be either in the manner or in the degree to which the involvement occurs.

For example, one person may procure a gun and hand it over to another who may shoot somebody with it. The former person is guilty of abetment, while the latter commits murder.

 This abetment may occur in any of the three methods that the provision prescribes:

 (1) Abetment by Instigation: Instigation basically means suggesting, encouraging or inciting a person to do or abstain from doing something. Instigation may take place either directly or indirectly, by written or oral words, or even by gestures and hints.

 (2) Abetment by Conspiracy: Conspiracy basically means an agreement between two or more persons to commit an unlawful act. Merely intending to commit an offence is not sufficient for this purpose. Thus, the conspirators must actively agree and prepare themselves to commit that offence, it becomes a conspiracy. Furthermore, the act which the conspirators conspire to commit itself must be illegal or punishable.

 (3) Abetment by Aiding: The third manner in which abetment may take place is by intentionally aiding the offender in committing that offence. This generally happens when the abettor facilitates the crime or helps in committing it. The intention to aid the offender is very important.

 Punishment For Abatement: 

Abetment of certain offences is punishable under specific Sections of IPC or under other laws. For example, abetment of suicide is punishable under Section 306. However, when no specific provision exists, the abettor will be punished with the punishment prescribed for that particular offence he has abetted.

P.Devi Sai Monica / Advocate

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